Founded in 1993. in Novi Sad
Company workers

Workers in Germany
“NS-TERMOMONTAŽA” Ltd. from Novi Sad is a private company that was founded in 1993.
The company’s core activity, which makes it recognizable in both domestic and international markets, is the production of thermal and process equipment, construction and maintenance of thermal, process, petrochemical plants, and industrial facilities.
“NS-TERMOMONTAŽA” Ltd. currently employs 182 workers, with a tendency to increase the number of employees in order to adequately and promptly respond to market demands. All employees are competent and qualified to perform their duties, ensuring that the work is carried out to the required quality standards and within the specified deadlines. Under the same name, the company also operates a branch office in Germany, which, when needed, employs between 40 and 80 workers for power plant maintenance tasks.
In addition to our construction services, we have a workshop for the production of thermal, process equipment, and pressure equipment.
Politics of the quality system is part of the overall business policies NS TERMOMONTAŽA Ltd. which is constantly improving.
Following market trends and requirements, in 2006, “NS-TERMOMONTAŽA” Ltd. implemented quality management systems according to JUS ISO 9001:2001. In the subsequent years, the company obtained certifications in accordance with the following standards:
NS TERMONTOŽA Ltd. holds the following licenses for constructing facilities, for which the construction permit is issued by the ministry responsible for construction-related matters:
Thermal, thermoenergetic, process, and gas installations for facilities related to oil and gas processing.
Thermal, thermoenergetic, process, and gas installations for international and trunk product pipelines, gas pipelines, and oil pipelines for transportation, including gas pipelines with a nominal working pressure exceeding 16 bars that cross at least two municipalities, as well as for storage facilities for oil, gas, and petroleum derivatives with a capacity exceeding 500 tons.
Thermal, thermoenergetic, process, and gas installations for thermal power plants and district heating systems with an electrical capacity of 10 MW or higher.
Thermal, thermoenergetic, process, and gas installations for hazardous waste treatment plants using incineration or chemical processes, with a capacity exceeding 70 tons per day.
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